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Cada póliza es diferente y debe ser revisada y evaluada para identificar lo que sí está y no está cubierto. Algunas pólizas son pólizas de “todo riesgo”, lo que significa que cubren el daño físico directo a su hogar causado por cualquier peligro a menos que se excluyan específicamente. Mientras que otras son pólizas de
Failing to timely report your loss. What is timely reporting? Insurance policies do not give a specific time period to report a loss. However, case law provides a standard as to whether notice of a loss was given promptly to your insurance company. “’Prompt’ is undefined in the policy. It is well settled, however,
The following actions should be taken after the storm is passed and it is safe to do so: First, document the extent of your damage with videos and photos. This should be a good 20-minute walk around your house both outside and inside to capture any water or wind related damage from the storm (and